Team Mission

The Rutgers Solar Car Team is a student-led engineering team with an ambitious goal of competing in the American Solar Challenge.

We are seeking donations, tooling, and new members towards pursuing our goal of establishing a renowned organization with hands-on experience in the renewable energy and electric vehicle market. 

What is Solar Racing?

Since 1987, the American Solar Challenge has hosted college teams in a race of strategy, endurance, and cutting-edge engineering. Participants must design and build a solar-electric vehicle that is powered entirely by solar cells embedded on the vehicle. The endurance race covers 1,700+ miles over several days in a Tour de France style multi-stage race. 

“Solar car team’s technologies are often ahead of their time in term of looking at next best generation of batteries, best solar panels, best motors and converters, things like that."
— J.B. Straubel, Co-Founder Tesla Motors

However, the competition embodies a greater objective than engineering prowess; it represents the awesome power and applicability of solar energy. Educating people about sustainable energy is revolutionizing our daily lives, and how it will be integrated in the years to come with cars and other modes of transport, is the cornerstone of our team’s mission.

New & Interested Members

Join our Discord and Instagram! Feel free to send us any questions you may have about the team. If you want to become a new member or have any questions, reach out to any of our e-board members on Discord to learn more!